January 2023

family bonding

How to Cut Household Chores and Enjoy More Time with Family

• Planning can help save time and energy, such as creating a grocery list and stocking up on ingredients for meals.  • Investing in multi-purpose cleaning products and automated cleaning tools can reduce the time spent on chores.  • If possible, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to take care of more difficult tasks.  •

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A hopeful cancer patient sitting in a sofa

Understanding Multiple Myeloma and How it Affects Your Life

• Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow plasma cells, with around 34,470 cases in 2022. • Treatment for MM involves medication, radiation therapy, stem cell transplantation, and/or surgery to manage symptoms and extend a patient’s life. • To manage MM, getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly, and eating healthy

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A confident woman in the workplace

Where Women Can Build Confidence: Areas for the Boost

Confidence is essential for women, helping them reach their professional and personal goals and live more fulfilled lives. Studies have shown that self-confidence is the most critical factor in success and happiness. Confident women are better able to make informed decisions, take risks, and pursue opportunities that may otherwise be too intimidating or overwhelming. One

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