The Perks of Reconstructive Surgery

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The American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the ASPS has tallied millions of people undergoing surgery in the past few years. 18 million people opted to do minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to their face and body in 2019. While this number decreased in 2020, mainly due to the pandemic, the total number of patients who have gone under the knife still amounted to almost 16 million people. It is no wonder that a lot of aspiring doctors are opting for the plastic surgery track. Many people are veering towards this lifestyle because of a variety of valid reasons. While some remain to be vanity projects, most surgeries are particularly noteworthy.

East Asian and Southeast Asian countries have some of the most skilled plastic surgeons in the world. However, American surgeons aren’t too far behind. With 6900 licensed surgeons in the United States alone, many people can get their preferred surgery anytime they want in their state. Some doctors go under this track deliberately because of how profitable it is.

Some people have become so addicted to going under the knife that some psychiatrists have tagged this behavior as body dysmorphic disorder. It is a mental health issue where the person over pronounces his or her perceived flaws in her body to the point of embarrassment and avoidance. Some even go through depression and anxiety until the perceived flaw is corrected.

There are many reasons why people go under the knife. Why are people going for plastic or reconstructive surgeries?

Self-esteem Issues

Going through plastic or corrective surgery can help solve many self-esteem issues. Not everyone is born perfect. Not everyone has the same attractive face as models or actors. Does it really hurt anyone if someone had a minor reconstructive surgery to correct one of their body parts that causes so much insecurity? Most people not blessed with a heavenly face or a godly body often find themselves in the receiving end of jeers and remarks regarding their physical appearance.

happy woman

Bullying is so bad during high school that the trauma often carries over into adulthood. Genetics plays a huge part in a person’s bodily development. It just so happens that people can become unlucky by their draw. Tipping the scales in their direction is not something to be scoffed at. It is their body; it is their choice — self-esteem issues be damned.


People go through reconstructive surgeries because of their health. Many issues can be solved by altering the physical appearance of some organs in the body. For example, a morbidly obese person can have his stomach altered to become smaller and thus, helping him reduce his weight. Gastric bypass surgery can help reduce the amount of food you can eat by making you feel immediately full after eating smaller food portions. Some also go through the liposuction procedure to reduce the amount of fat stored in their fatty areas.

Some people have become so huge that no amount of exercise can save their lives. Through liposuction, these people are given another chance at life. The little nudge will push them in the right direction of losing weight. Women also have their breasts reduced, especially if it is too big. Large breasts can cause a wide array of problems for their back. This is especially problematic for younger women who have matured too early. They will find that their quality of life as they grow older will be horrible.

Facial Reconstruction

Facial reconstruction due to accidents is just one of the modern-day marvels of plastic surgery. Because of reconstructive surgery, victims of accidents are given another go at a normal life. Accidents happen all the time. Some accidents, however, greatly alter the way of life of some of its victims. Fires, car accidents, and sporting accidents, to name a few, sometimes alter the way a person looks permanently.

Offering a way out of the misery that has been inflicted on them is key to providing them a second chance at life. Some people also are just born misshapen. Cleft lips and palates, disproportioned facial features, disfigured eyes, and overly asymmetrical faces are just a few of the facial deformities children have upon birth.

These problems are easily treatable if done early. Going under the knife to give them a better quality of life is extremely significant for these people. A simple surgery on the jaw or an overall reconstructive surgery can do wonders for those victimized by unfortunate circumstances.

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