Mom DIYs: Your Ultimate Guide to Designing Eco-friendly Bedrooms


Let’s not forget. We are all children of Mother Earth, all over 7.6 billion of us, no matter the country, no matter the language. Having an eco-friendly bedroom, therefore, is paying homage to our planet. It’s ensuring that we do our part in keeping our environment as sustainable and as safe as possible.

But an eco-friendly bedroom has huge benefits for you and everyone in the family. And not just for the environment. We’re talking about your overall health. Retiring to an eco-friendly bedroom means retiring to a stress-free that’s bound to give you the comfort you need for a good night’s rest. Remember the time when you slept in an uncomfortable bed. Not only will it make you not relax, but you’ll also probably be turning and tossing awake all night long. Pundits point out that your bedroom environment plays a huge factor to sound sleep.

Fortunately for you, adjusting your sleeping area to make it eco-friendly has never been easier than today. Thanks to environmental awareness efforts, many companies are responding to the call. Thus, juxtaposing environmentally-friendly beddings to flooring isn’t an uphill climb like before. Check out spot-on practical tips to make it happen.

Eco-friendly Mattress

From the onset, start with an organic mattress. That should be top of your list. Remember that organic mattresses do away with harmful chemicals and synthetic materials. And this is most advantageous for you.

For one, green mattresses are made of natural, fire-resistant materials. In the process, you get rid of fire-retardant chemicals which can give you health complications, namely respiratory and skin allergies

In lieu, you get breathable natural materials such as wool and cotton. That’s good news for you. This means they can keep you warm when winter comes knocking at your door and cool enough when summer sizzles.

Even better, green mattresses are biodegradable. That means you lessen the negative impact on the environment when you dispose of these mattresses.

Some of the best green mattress options include plant-based memory foam and natural latex. Additionally, you can go for an eco-friendly waterbed. The price may go as high as the more popular memory foam but all the benefits it brings are worth it.

Green Furniture

Of course, you need not DIY the dressing table and wardrobes yourself. You can have expert hands pitch in. What’s important to remember is material. The trick here is even when you use wood make sure it’s the least harmful to the environment. A good example is reclaimed wood. Doing so means you prevent more trees to be cut as you are using recycled wood. Even better, reclaimed wood more often than not comes from older trees. Meaning, they’re not only beautiful but are as durable as can be.

In this regard, contacting trusted Barnwood dealers and suppliers should bid you well. They can give you barn wood that’s quality and origin-certified. You can even use this kind of wood to create rustic and eco-friendly flooring for a most Earth-friendly bedroom.


Organic Bedding

You can enhance your eco-friendly bedroom idea by complementing your organic mattress with organic bedsheets. Even better, expand your selection to organic pillows and comforters.

Again, it goes to the material. Make sure you use only natural fibers: wool, linen, and cotton. You’re ditching synthetic fibers in the process. As much as possible, look for 100% organic beddings. This way you encourage companies who do their part in helping the environment.

Take note that you are doing yourself a huge favor when you use 100% cotton beddings for instance. Why? Simply because of the increased comfort compared to using synthetic materials. For one, organic cotton is softer to touch than synthetic cotton. So you’re much assured of a good night’s sleep in getting one, especially if you’re suffering from skin allergies.

Green Paint

Colors do matter. You need to go with paint that promotes relaxation and calmness. We’re talking about not using strong colors; rather use pale versions of greens, beiges, and blues.

The key to getting eco-friendly paint is again the material. Know that traditional paints may give off harmful fumes that could cause dizziness, headaches, and nausea. A way to go around this is using paint that does not emit airborne gases or chemicals. Seek paints that are low in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) so you minimize toxic emissions.

Green Lighting

As much as possible go for LED bulbs or CFL ones. Not only do these options consume far less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, but they also last years longer. Even better, they give off less heat. So more energy is used to actually lighting the place.

Let Plants In

Last but not the least, let plants in. Plants are air purifiers, cleaning and filtering the air for a healthier you. Plus, they absorb harmful gases via the pores of their leaves. And lest you forget, plants make your living space more appealing.

Making your bedroom eco-friendly is thinking long-term. It helps the planet. But it’s also thinking short-term. It helps you and your children get a more relaxing sleep. One night at a time.

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