How to Avoid Bingeing While on Vacation


While 2020 has definitely made it harder to travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the new year brings new hope as vaccines become within our reach. If you are one of the people who had traveling plans that were postponed, you might be thinking of pushing through with it this year.

Traveling around the world is usually on people’s bucket lists as it entails beautiful places to visit, new people to meet, and the best part–getting to try different foods. Let’s face it, we all have a tendency to overeat during our travels. So here are some tips that you can do to avoid it!

Drink a glass of water before eating

We all know that staying hydrated is very important so our body can function properly. And this little trick can also help in preventing overeating. According to Drink Optimum, drinking water before eating will trick your stomach that you are full as it will occupy space. It can help control your appetite and will send signals to your brain that you are full more quickly. That said, drink at least one glass of water before eating and take a few sips throughout your meal.

Choose healthier food options in the area

It can be tempting to try all the foods that you see in a new place, and most of us consider foods as part of the travel experience itself. However, taking the time to choose healthier food options will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle in the long run.

More often than not, the places that you visit have vegetation that grows locally. Grab that opportunity to stack up on veggies and experience the area’s authentic cuisine.

Control your food portions

According to Harvard, any meal that you take should have 50% fruits and vegetables, 25% whole grains, and 25% protein. This does not mean that you have to deprive yourself of the amazing food discoveries as it will only make you unsatisfied. It only means that you have to be more mindful of what you eat to avoid consuming more than you need to.

Eat slowly

This tip is similar to drinking water before eating. It can take around 20 minutes before our brain becomes aware that our stomach is full, but a lot of people often make the mistake of eating too fast that they don’t feel full right away and thus tend to eat more than they should.

Give your brain enough time to recognize that you are no longer hungry by pacing yourself as you eat. Furthermore, if you are really hungry and feel the instinct to eat faster, drink some water before eating to ease the hunger pains a bit.

Eat smaller portions

eating soup

When you travel, different foods will be available and it will be harder to choose. That’s why eating frequently with smaller portions will allow you to try more food without consuming too many calories. Try ordering your foods in smaller portions rather than the full ones, and as much as possible, share with your companions to discourage yourself from overeating.

Avoid starving yourself

Contrary to what many people think, starving yourself will result in more weight gain. Your body’s metabolism will slow down once you skip meals because it will try to save more energy. Once you eat again, your body will tend to regain the weight that you lost.

Bring plenty of nutrient-dense snacks while traveling. If you don’t have access to proper meals, healthy snacks will keep the hunger pangs at bay and prevent your body from going into starvation mode.

Use utensils with the right size

Using smaller plates and bigger spoon and fork will create an illusion that you are eating the same amount on bigger plates. This will help especially if you’re the type who “cleans” their plate.

Treatment options

Most of these tips and binge eating treatment options usually work for many people. However, if it doesn’t work out for you, maybe it’s time to consider a deeper approach. If you notice that your eating habits are not normal and you tend to overeat even if you already feel full, help is available.

Since the pandemic, many people have been stressed over it, resulting in binge-eating. There’s no shame in seeking professional help as we all have different coping mechanisms. The important thing is we choose to improve as much as we can.

There are many ways on how you can avoid overeating during your travels. Another thing that you should consider is the nature of the trip itself. If you are going to do more physical activities, then you definitely have to consume the right amount of calories. But the bottom line is: we should eat the right amount of food no matter where we are, not more, not less.

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