Prep Your Home for Summer With This Checklist

summer necessities

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it’s also a time when you should take some time to prepare your home for the hotter weather. With a bit of planning, you can ensure your home is ready for anything the summer may throw your way.

Here’s a checklist of things to do to get your home summer-ready:

1. Check Your Air Conditioning Unit

The first thing you should do is make sure your air conditioning unit is in good working order. Now is an excellent time to service it if it hasn’t been serviced in a while. You don’t want to be without air conditioning when the temperatures start to soar. Here are a few things to look for:

  • Ensure the unit is properly installed and there are no loose connections.
  • Check the Freon levels and make sure they are at the proper level.
  • Inspect the unit for any damage and ensure all the parts are in good working order.

2. Get Done with Spring Cleaning

Before the summer really gets underway, you should finish up any spring cleaning that you may have started. This way, you won’t have to worry about it during the hotter months. Plus, clean home just feels better in the summer. Here are a few things to focus on:

  • Wash all of the windows, inside and out
  • Clean out the gutters
  • Pressure wash the exterior of your home
  • Deep clean all carpets
  • Organize closets and drawers

You can also consider hiring spring cleaning services to help you get the job done. These professionals can tackle all of the deep cleaning tasks on your list, so you don’t have to.

3. Prepare Your Outdoor Space

If you have a deck or patio, now is the time to get it ready for summer entertaining. This may involve power washing it, re-staining the wood, or simply giving it a good cleaning. You’ll also want to make sure you have enough outdoor furniture for everyone. If not, now is the time to buy some new pieces or find some used ones that you can spruce up.

You can also use this time to start planning your summer garden. If you don’t have a green thumb, consider planting some easy-to-grow vegetables or flowers. Now is also the time to start fertilizing your lawn so it will be green and lush all summer long.

4. Stock Up on Summer Essentials

There are certain things you’ll need to have on hand during the summer months. This includes things like sunscreen, insect repellent, and aloe vera gel for those inevitable sunburns. You should also stock up on pool toys, beach towels, and anything else you may need for outdoor days. If you have a barbecue, ensure you have all the necessary supplies, such as propane and charcoal.

Here are a few other summer essentials to consider:

  • Extra fans for your home
  • Portable air conditioner
  • Emergency kit

5. Check Your Home for Safety Hazards

While you’re getting your home ready for summer, take some time to check for any safety hazards. This includes things like loose railings, dangerous chemicals, and tripping hazards. If you have a pool, make sure it is properly fenced in and that all the safety equipment is in good working order.

You should also create a fire escape plan in case of an emergency. This is especially important if you live in an area that is prone to wildfires. Also, make sure you have working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Testing them monthly is also a good idea.

6. Make a Plan for Summer Travel

Summer break is the perfect time to travel. If you have any trips planned, now is the time to start preparing for them. This includes things like booking flights and hotels, renting a car, and packing your bags. With a little planning and preparation, you can make sure your summer vacation goes smoothly.

friends enjoying summer

If you’re not planning on going anywhere this summer, that’s okay too. There are plenty of ways to enjoy summer right at home. You can have a staycation, host a backyard barbecue, or just spend time relaxing in your air-conditioned home. This is the perfect time to take a break from your busy life and just enjoy some rest and relaxation.

No matter how you plan on spending your summer, getting your home ready for the season is a must. By following this checklist, you can rest assured that your home will be prepared for whatever summer throws your way. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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