Addressing Sensitive Teeth: What You Need to Know

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Every day, we usually do several daily rituals that are related to our hygiene. Whether it’s taking a shower, brushing our teeth, or washing our clothes, many activities are related to our hygiene. But the majority of our daily activities are usually associated with dental hygiene. Dental hygiene is paramount since most of us will usually eat three meals in a day. This means that food particles and debris can easily become stuck in our teeth.  

Brushing our teeth and flossing right after eating is usually known as one of the best ways of keeping our teeth in a pristine condition. However, there will be times when we will feel discomfort from brushing or flossing our teeth. In some situations, this can lead to our gums close to our teeth bleeding. 

Although sensitive gums and teeth might seem like a mild annoyance at first, this is known for inhibiting people from doing certain types of activities. Not only is this harder for most people to eat and chew their food, but the pain can also distract people who are trying to go about with their daily activities and work. That said, individuals need to be aware of the causes of sensitive teeth and essential ways of fixing them. 

Why Are Your Teeth Sensitive? 

But before anything else, we have first to know why your teeth are sensitive in the first place. In most cases and studies, the sensitive tooth is usually caused by the roots of the tooth, which is integral to your tooth’s foundations, is exposed. In some situations, it’s also caused by damaged enamel. 

However, there are a variety of factors that you’ll need to consider in this situation. Here’s what you’ll need to know: 

  • Dental erosion — Teeth, just like most parts of our body, are susceptible to acidic erosion. Many types of food and drinks are known for being acidic. Since the enamel is the natural barrier of the teeth protecting against food debris and objects that we place in our mouth, this can melt away and expose teeth to more problems in the long run. 
  • Brushing too vigorously — Another reason teeth are sensitive is that you might brush too hard. Each person has their own preference when it comes to toothbrush bristles. More brittle toothbrush bristles can be harsh to the teeth and lead to your teeth enamel being damaged. 
  • Trauma and cracked teeth — There are various reasons for teeth breaking. This is known for being one of the leading causes of teeth sensitivity since some cracks can reach the root and even reach the gum line. This can make the tooth incredibly sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, which can lead to sharp pain. 
  • Gum disease — One of the most prevalent diseases that can influence how we eat is gum disease. The build-up of tartar causes this. If this is not addressed, the extent of this infection can wear out the structural integrity of your teeth, which can cause problems to your teeth in the long run. 

woman smiling

Professional Treatment Is Needed 

First and most importantly, one of the most important ways of addressing sensitive teeth, especially when it comes to extreme cases, is through root canal treatment. This is known for being one of the safest and most effective ways of addressing sensitive teeth and gums around your area.  

Still, it’s essential to first consult with a dental professional regarding root canal treatment since this usually happens when other procedures are no longer adequate for your situation. If dentists see that the issue with your sensitive teeth is severe, they will need to perform many processes to address the problem. 

Fortunately, you won’t need to worry since root canal services in Singapore are done by dentists well-versed in this matter. Professional help and supervision are vital in ensuring that your teeth will remain in pristine condition. 

Dental Crowning Bonding 

Another procedure that can help address sensitive teeth is dental bonding. If the damage is relatively minor compared to more serious forms of infections on your tooth, this can help remedy superficial damage to the affected area. 

Proper Dental Hygiene 

Lastly, one of the best ways of addressing sensitive teeth is by having proper dental hygiene. Although addressing sensitive teeth can help repair damaged parts like the enamel or exposed roots, prevention will always be the tried and tested way of keeping everything in good condition.  

Most dental experts would suggest using fluoride toothpaste since this was specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Although, this is best for mild cases. For best results, applying it twice a day can help with problems with teeth. 

Various methods can address sensitive teeth. Although it might seem like a mild annoyance, this can hinder some people from concentrating on their daily tasks and cause concern. If an area of your mouth is sensitive to brushing, flossing, and even eating, it’s best to see a dentist right away. Addressing this problem is the best way of stemming any more damage that might happen to your teeth. 

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